Friday, June 18, 2010

The LAMB! The Cin-Ob Button! and 20SB!

Be sure to visit THE LAMB if you like movie blogs! It's a great place to find some very talented bloggers, who chit-chat about all genres of film!

And hey - if you blog about movies, sign up to become a LAMB! It's a great tool for exposure, and an all round fun, interactive community of great peeps. And tell them sent you!

On another note, we officially have a functioning Cin-Ob Button that you can take and show off proudly on your blog! It will stay up for grabs on our left sidebar. Come on... you're a Cin-Ob Supreme and you know it. Go on... taaakke it!!!

Copy and Paste Code

One last item on my pimpin-ourselves-out agenda... voting is in progress over at 20 Something Bloggers for the next Featured Blogger of the Month... and we're hungry for it. Num num num!!! So if you're a member of this particular network, go log in and nominate us! What are you waiting for? I mean, pretty please with butter and dill pickle spice on top?

Have a great weekend, Cin-Obs!

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