Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Quotable Quote: Saw VI

"You think it's the living who have ultimate judgment over you, because the dead will have no claim over your soul. But you may be mistaken."

~ Tobin Bell as Jigsaw in Saw VI (2009) 


Chuck said...

I thought Saw VI is the one coming out this week?? Now I'm confused.

Angie said...

Nope, this new one (3D) is actually number 7! And they're promoting it as the last one.

Chuck said...

Well I think I might have missed one. And I was doing sooo good!

JRL said...

Saw VI wasn't that great. Filled in some gaps in the plot lines, but overall Jigsaw is just getting farther and father away from the point he was trying to make in saw 1 and 2... and to some degree 3...or maybe 4... which one is it they all have to work together... or that 5. You know what, i'll just watch them all again.