This recent horror flick didn't scare us like some have in the past. There were a few moments that had us yelling at the screen (i.e. Why are you going to investigate the cold, dark, wet, scary-as-hell basement?)...
It had it's moments for sure, but we're not entirely sure a sequel was necessary. Ah well. There's a sequel to everything nowadays. Not the greatest plot, but worth seeing if only for the scene where the chick rips her own face open with her bare hands.
This is actually one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. It sacred me to no end! I LOVED IT!!!!
I remember the first time all the scary stuff happened. I remember saying in the theatre that there was no way I would even go back to that job.
I wasn't too impressed with this movie. But, meh... that happens with movies that try to be scary and emulate something and fall tragically short.
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