Hi everyone! Cin-Obs, what what! Represent!
You may (or may not) have noticed the last few weeks there has been a lil' decrease in the number of posts. This is NOT because we don't love you. Not at all. We both love you very much. No matter what happens between Mommy and Daddy... oh no sorry, that's a different conversation. We just decided to take a wee break in the frequency of posting, for a few reasons.
Firstly, we spent the first few months of this blog's life bulking up the categories, posting up to 12 times a day. Secondly, with all the posting, we've noticed that certain things go unnoticed, or disappear onto page 2 before people have had the chance to check it out. So we want our posts to linger a little more, to fester, to stagnate, well you get the point.
So with that said, we just want to remind you to check out the drop-down menu to the right, and to browse the oh-so bulky categories. Perhaps (most likely) there were things you missed in the frenzy of our posting schedule.
Please also take advantage of the handy-dandy search bar, where you can type in any ol' thing you'd like! Fave flick? Actor? Anything! See what we've said about it!
Posting will pick up again in frequency, and although this blog is our baby, it's been nice to chill out and not stress over it. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun stress. It's our raison-d'être!
But most importantly, we'd like to take this opportunity to ask you guys what you've been thinking.
Too many posts? Not enough? Which segments do you enjoy the most? Which ones would you do away with? Any other critiques/suggestions?
Love yaz!
I love you just the way you are!
Cinemaobsessed said: You may (or may not) have noticed the last few weeks there has been a lil' decrease in the number of posts.
I say: My heart hurts due to lack of Cinema Obsessed posts, but I understand.
Cinema Obsessed says: Secondly, with all the posting, we've noticed that certain things go unnoticed, or disappear onto page 2 before people have had the chance to check it out.
I say: I don't want to toot my own horn but *toot* *toot* I can honestly say that I've read every post and nearly every comment ever made here. If I'm unable to visit the site (which sometimes I'm away for four WHOLE DAYS!!!, I always go back and continue from where I last left off.
Clearly, this makes me the best Cin-Ob EEEEEVER!!
Keep up the good work!!
Just like ion Goldilocks...this one's just right....
I was thinking last week that they had decreased and I miss you lovely ladies. Every day after work I would check blogs and was excited to see you guys posted.
Maybe more Cin-ob speak*cough cough*
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