For those unfamiliar with the British television programme, there have been three series with plot lines focusing on a socially awkward group of four boys. The comedy series documented the lives of the boys through six-form and the film follows the characters’ holiday to Malia after their A-Levels. Simon, Neil, Jay and Will head to Malia, Crete for sun, sea and most importantly clunge. The film catalogues their escapades in the resort as they meet girls and experience the underbelly of the party town.
The media have a love hate relationship with the film, some see it as condescending others think that the film comments of the idiocy of youth. For me, it is just a bit of fun. Of course there were moments during the film when I couldn’t bear to watch, but the cringe worthy nature of the group of boys is the reason the series was so successful.
Having broken the box office record for a UK comedy by taking £13 million in its opening weekend, the film has proved a massive success with the Brits. But whether the quintessentially British nature of both the film and the television programme will translate to the American market remains to be seen. People in Britain are already lamenting the loss of the programme and will avidly await replays so that they can put their Freeview recorders into action.
Going to see if I love it or hate it as well :)
"The Inbetweeners Movie" would`ve shamed and embarrassed "The Childrens Film Foundation" 40 years ago, its astonishing to think that the (so-called..Ha..Ha..Ha) British film industry is still getting away with making this kind of laughable, pathetic, ludicrously out-moded, and cringingly unwatchable garbage. Its equally astonishing to think that 7 million idiots in this country have paid an average of 6 quid each to see what is essentially a 1973 episode of "The Likely Lads", just think about how bizarre and strange that is for a minute, i think all of those 7 million morons should be burned at the stake for being so stupid and for encouraging such a bunch of talentless and dog-shitty film making wankers. The British film industry is an abomination, it is an affront to world cinema and an insult to the medium of the moving image, the British film industry must be destroyed with malice-a-fore-thought and extreme prejudice.
The birds who run this site are two of the most gorgeous little darlin`s i`ve ever seen.
Visit "The Pauline Hickey Fan Page" or "Pauline Hickey Vintage Porn" for dozens of naked images of one of the most incredible birds of all-time. Also, go to "Anal Base-POV Anal" and "Anal Base-Gaping Anal" for literally hundreds of movie clips and pictures of beautiful gorgeous sexy young girls (just like the two stunners who run this site) being buggered senseless ! ! !.
I genuinely believe that "SUCKER PUNCH" will be completely re-appraised in the next few years and will ultimately be considered a masterwork.
I love Jervaise Brooke Hamster.
I loooove this show, and yup I'm American... haha
It's like they captured all of the most embarrasing, creepy and endearing parts of high school and made a show!
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Hey "Shirt Printing Fool" you really do need to be educated and enlightened with regards to what a ludicrously pathetic joke the British film (and television) industrys really are.
Its odd that the two gorgeous little sexpots who run this site haven`t replied to "The Hamster", i wonder why ?.
Can't say we know enough about the British film industry to comment, but Hamster seems to know what he's talkin' about.
And David, thanks :) teehee
My pleasure little darlin`, maybe we could meet up sometime ! ! !.
Angie, baby, kitten, darlin`, hopefully now you do know enough about the British film industry to ensure that you will never ever besmirch or pollute this marvellous site with any more British made celluloid garbage ever again. I`m not kiddin` dreamgirl, if you ever reveiw any more British made rubbish on this site i`ll have to come round and spank you ! ! !, and i`m sure you dont want me to do that, DO YOU ! ? ! ?.
@hamster, LOL! nooo of course not *shifty eyes*
To be fair, this was a sponsored post by someone across the pond. The most I know about British film are the Monty Python movies. That's where my knowledge ends.
Angie, you drive me wild ! ! !.
So you enabled com-girl-t moderation, was The Hamster beginning to get to you ?, although admittedly his bizarre surrealism does begin to grind everyone down sooner or later.
pretty cool movie, just watched it full movies download
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