Friday, August 20, 2010

Three Amigos: A Classic Review

The Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Amigos!

People often ask us what our favourite movies are. It's an offensive question and an impossible one at that. How does a movie buff pick and choose which movies to hold high above the others?

I digress. Point being, Three Amigos (1986) starring Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short has made our top ten list. Anyone who knows us, knows that statement means a lot!

Anyhoo, back to the gem at hand... Meet Lucky Day, Dusty Bottoms and Ned Nederlander. These unemployed actors are down on their luck, yet completely oblivious of their lack of success in the film industry. Their lil' schtick as a bandit fighting trio is tired and old.

But alas, the three are summoned to a Mexican village to fight the infamous El Guapo! What they don't realize is that the villagers think they are real fighters... based solely on the Three Amigos' series of silent films.

All three characters are completely ridiculous. Here is one of my favie scenes:

I really don't think it gets much better than this flick. First of all, you have three of the funniest comedians all sharing the spotlight. Second, the premise is awesome. Who doesn't love the whole mistaken identity bit? And third, it's totally timeless! I will be showing this movie to my kids and they'll show to their kids and so on and so forth. Generations of my family will know and love this movie.

Three Amigos is absolutely packed full of hilarity! Just watch this scene and we're sure you'll be sold!

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