Friday, April 9, 2010

Tantalizing Trivia: Cast Away

Cast Away (2000) director Robert Zemeckis was once asked at a Q and A session what was in the unopened FedEx package.

He replied that it was a waterproof, solar-powered, satellite phone.

To hear him say it for yourself on the DVD, do this: Start at the Special Features Main Menu and enter the Video and Stills Galleries. When you see "Raft Escape" press left on your remote to highlight the "World Of Time" logo.



Eternal Worrier said...

Mary Poppins as a horror film? I love that idea. Was 30days of Night really the last film you watched? It scared the shit out of us. I love scary films but can’t bring myself to see 'Paranormal.’ If I do watch it I won’t be able to get out of bed for a glass of water and stuff.
You have a great blog here and thanks for your comment at my place.

Angie said...

Hey Worrier! Yeah we just watched 30 Days of Night, neither of us had seen it. That gadget is always accurate for the last movie we watched :)

You'll like Paranormal Activity, it's scary, but you can get over it quickly. But you WILL sleep with your door closed for a few nights.

Pat Tillett said...

I never even asked myself what was in the unopened box..

Jill said...

I think it was human nature to wonder what was in the package...