Monday, January 31, 2011

Tantalizing Trivia: Godzilla

This sequence from Godzilla (1998) cost the filmmakers $600,000, and it was eventually scrapped from the film. Talk about a waste of money.

You might remember it being used as a teaser for the film, shown in theatres up to a year before the release date. It is a direct reference to the Jurassic Park franchise. Too bad this movie didn't make a fraction of the dough JP did.


The Masked Critic said...

I could've made that for $500,000.

KeLLy aNN said...

so THAT's where my plaster project went!!!

JRL said...

Yeah, i'm going to have to go ahead and declare that someone pocketed about 500K during that segment.

jervaise brooke hamster said...

I actually thought Godzilla was better than all the Jurassic Park movies put together !!!.