The Muppets is an upcoming comedy film directed by James Bobin and starring Jason Segel, who also writes (with Nicholas Stoller), co-directs and executive produces. The film started production in September 2010 and started filming on October 30, 2010. Walt Disney Pictures announced a release date of November 23, 2011. It is the seventh feature film to star the Muppets. Wikipedia
Ok, get ready for the cast: Jason Segel (MARRY ME DAMMIT!!!), Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Zack Galifianakis, Rashida Jones, Ed Helms, Ricky Gervais, Jack Black, Danny Trejo, John Krasinski, Chris Cooper, Katy Perry, Alan Arkin and Billy Crystal... Ok, so many of these are rumoured, but STILL! This sounds like an amazing group of peeps, and mixed in with Muppets? Perfecto!
We've been majorly pumped for this flick since the whispers began. Mr. Segel officially became the object of my affection when I heard he was writing and starring in this movie. Can't. Even. Deal. I love you boo.
There will be music, there will be cheese, there will be dance numbers, it all will be a blasty blast!
I've always loved the Muppets!! This is something I would love to see when it comes out!!
Melanie's Randomness
Be Still My Beating Heart!!
This is so fabulous.
This looks seriously entertaining...I have a strange fascination with the muppets and the cast has real potential! Oh, and love the Back to the Future banner!
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