"A happy newlywed marriage counselor's views on wedded bliss get thrown for a loop when she finds out her parents are getting divorced." [IMDB]
Oh geeez she's a marriage counselor? Way to throw the audience for a loop! How ironic and hilarious! Not.
I think most of the Twilight cast have chosen good roles away from the franchise, but oh Kellan Lutz... I still have my doubts. I mean, don't get me wrong - you're smokin' hot. But that might not be enough to keep your career going strong.
This poster boasts "directed by Dermot Mulroney." I'm not sure that's gonna snag any extra viewers, but it does also star Mandy Moore, James Brolin, and Jane Seymour - who has turned out to be kinda funny in the cougar roles in recent years.
The deep-down truth is that I love rom-coms. Sometimes it takes me a long time to finally sit down and watch one. I'm not rushing to the theatres to see them, but I usually crack a smile and get a little sentimental watching them.
What do you think of these types of movies? Enjoy them? Loathe them?
I'll pass. "Something Borrowed" has, once again, soured me on romantic comedies.
Ohh... was Something Borrowed crap?
sorry but i don't like this type of boring movies
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