Oh my oh my oh my... Breaking Dawn is almost here!
Although the last book, in my opinion, was rushed, ridiculous, lazy, and downright disgusting and offensive to young girls, I'm super duper anxious to see how it translates into film. Without any spoilers for those who haven't read the book, I'll just say there were a few gruesome and graphic scenes that I can't quite imagine being played out visually. The movies have been pretty light and PG, but Breaking Dawn (if true to the book) will push the teen-friendly franchise into some racy and nasty territory, including teen marriage and pregnancy, violent sex, and mutant babies. Awwwww yyeaaaahh!!
Anyways, why am I avoiding spoilers? This teaser trailer pretty much tells you everything you need to know. Actually, thinking about it, I bet they'll cut off part 1 right at the gruesome shit and save it for part 2. Yep, that's what they'll do.
Here. The IMDB write-up is a spoiler in itself:
The Quileute and the Volturi close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses different threats to the wolf pack and vampire coven.
I can't wait for this to come out!! I hope it's going to be very good!
This is going to be the best Twilight of the series
I really hope so too! Are the books better than the movies, like they say it is?
Karina, the books are better, more character and relationship development. But we really disliked the fourth book.
Thanks for the tip Angie! I would be sure to read the books when I have the time to do so. May I ask why the fourth book wasn't as well as the first three?
It felt rushed and gruesome and strange, and there were certain outcomes we really didn't want. I don't want to spoil anything, though! :)
Oh I see. I hate when good stories are rushed, so I see what you mean. Hopefully the movie will be different and better than the fourth book. Thanks for the info and for not spoiling anything! I don't even know what's better, to know what to expect from the movie or not knowing what to expect haha. I wonder when the next movie will be released..
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