Monday, July 6, 2009

The Runaways

Filming started in June 2009 for this new biopic featuring the life and times of Joan Jett and The Runaways. It's called The Runaways. Creative.

Cinema Obsessed loves a good biopic, especially ones focused on musicians. We don't know much about Joan Jett or her band... because well let's face it, we're cinema obsessed, not music obsessed. We know some of the hits, but we're genuinely interested in the film to learn more. You know it will have to have a rockin' soundtrack.

Miserably Milly herself, Kristen Stewart, will be playing Joan, and Dakota "I swear I'm not a child actor anymore" Fanning will star as bandmate Cherie Currie.

Stewart will be attempting to sing some of the songs herself, so we can't wait to see how that plays out. Apparently THE Joan Jett helped select Stewart, so I guess she's a good fit for the role. I guess Joan was an awkward, crabby young lady.

If you love rock 'n roll, save your dime for The Runaways in 2010!

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