Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Movie Mistake: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Oooohhh I love finding new movie goofs on this here "net", as the kids are callin' it.

Check out this wonderful compilation full of TMNT eff-ups. All very minor, but still entertaining.

And if you're mad that I'm ruining part of the movie magic by exposing the boo-boos, then don't watch. To be a movie buff you gotta be thick-skinned and learn to accept that it's all fiction, for entertainment purposes. It's not real.

*Angie assumes the fetal position and weeps after learning she will never make it to Pandora.*

1 comment:

Jamie Gibbs said...

That was pretty damn good. I haven't watched the original turtles movie for ages, it's made me want to revisit it. And movie goofs are awesome in my book, keep 'em coming!