Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quotable Quote: To Sir, with Love

"I believe one should fight for what one believes. Provided one is absolutely sure one is absolutely right."

~ Sidney Poitier as Mark Thackeray in To Sir, with Love (1967)


KeLLy aNN said...

1967!! The GREATEST year EvEah!

billiant actor. I don't know if I've seen this one all the way through but I did see Dinner and Lilies.

Alan W. Davidson said...

To Sir was one of my most fav movies.

Angie said...

Kelly - just recently saw Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? for the first time! What a movie...

Alan - This one makes a lot of people's favie lists, and with good reason. The "inspirational teacher" movie began with this one!

Anonymous said...

Is one is absolutely right, should they no longer fight, or no longer believe?