Wednesday, July 1, 2009

School of Rock 2: America Rocks!

Holy Crappola! I know I whine and moan about sequels, but this is too good! School of Rock, the original, was soooo enjoyable, and Cinema Obsessed is giddy at the idea of a new one!

So far, Jack Black has confirmed the production of the sequel, School of Rock 2: America Rocks, a few different times, whilst promoting Year One. Yeah that's right. I said whilst.

More details when we got 'em.

P.S. - Did you know the kid who played Zack, the fifth grade guitar prodigy in School of Rock was charged with a DUI in 2009? Tsk, tsk... I guess Zack couldn't handle stickin' it to the man. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll.. what a shame... Check out his rockin' mug shot.

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